Myofunctional Therapy
Releasing a tongue tie is a relatively simple and safe procedure. But there is more to it than just cutting the restrictive tissue. Many...

What bottle should you use to feed your baby?
With all the choices out there, parents often wonder if they have chosen the best bottle to feed their baby. Of course, like almost...

Tongue Ties Affect Speech
The attached article discusses delayed speech in children. So many of the symptoms they identify can be caused by an undiagnosed tongue...

Dogs and cats get tongue surgery too!
I was searching through the literature checking to see if there was anything new in tongue tie surgery and came across an article titled:...

Even fish get laser surgery!
Fish don't have tongues, but even they can benefit from laser surgery. USA Today did an article on veterinarians using a CO2 laser to...

Adult Frenectomy after Infant Frenectomy
Tongue ties tend to run in families. It is not at all unusual for a parent to want to have a lingual frenectomy after seeing the amazing...

Drugs for reflux disease in infants may come with unintended consequences
This is a great article about infant reflux. She cautions against giving reflux medications because 1) they often don't work and 2) they...