Infant in dental chair for frenectomy post-op check
Leslie Haller, DMD logo
Leslie Haller, DMD board certified laser dentist
tongue tie
tongue tie that does not attach at the tip but is nevertheless causing problems with nursing
Frog in Love
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girl sticking out tongue
Baby with reflux
Young tongue tie frenectomy patient
Dr. Haller with young tongue tie frenectomy patient
tongue tie frenectomy patient
Anterior tongue tie attaches at tip of the lip
Oliver's tongue tie
Posterior tongue tie attaches at the back of the tongue
Oliver's tongue tie
Tongue tied infant
tongue tie frenectomy patient
upper lip tie attaches at the edge of the crest - notice anterior tongue tie is slightly visible too
Green Monster
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after tongue tie frenectomy
great nursing - good wide deep latch, upper lip making a seal around the areola - no clicking sounds during nursing
lactation support
lactation support is important - find a lactation consultant at La Leche League or look for lactation consultants in your area
happy breastfeeding mom
Breastfeeding should be a positive experience for both mother and baby. If breastfeeding is painful, check for a tongue and/or upper-lip tie
Lightscalpel CO2 laser handpiece
A CO2 laser is the best laser for doing frenectomies
laughing infant
The CO2 laser is the best for all frenectomies - tongue and upper-lip
upper-lip frenum attachments
Four types of upper-lip frenum attachments. Photos taken from a Maxillary label frenum attachment in children by Elizabeth Boutsi and Dimitris Tatakis, in the International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry